Mikel Coffee Company

What's their Mission?

Protecting the environment and minimizing our environmental footprint.

How will they do it?

By using non-plastic cups philosophy, 100% eco-friendly and recyclable cup, made of paper, eliminates the need to separate the packaging components before disposing of them. Their paper cup is complemented by the eco-friendly award-winning paper lid – a pan-European innovation – as well as the eco-friendly paper straw. While this movement may not single-handedly reverse climate change, it can contribute to “lightening” the planet by 120 tons of plastic annually. The company received the Silver Award in the Best Social Media Strategy for CSR category regarding its online presence with “Blending a Better Tomorrow”.

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Soo.. what's this Less Guilty Coffee Map all about?

So glad you asked :) We’d love you to explore the world through our spotlight and join our less guilty coffee movement!

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when thinking about how to be more sustainable or less wasteful. What would be less impactful? How can we lighten the load. How can we be more responsible consumers? Sooo many questions… 

In the coffee industry, as much as in any other, action is needed for sustainability, but feeling gloomy is not the solution!

So we’re shedding some light on the situation and showcasing all the actors and initiatives worldwide doing their best for a less impactful coffee cup. Coffee roasters, cafes, not for profits and more.

This map is for you.

Find coffee shops, roasters and any coffee initiative around you that have positive environmental / social missions and go support them. Make this movement stronger and light the way…

So many sh*tty puns, but real talk. Let’s create a less guilty coffee map together. Support those making a difference and inspire others. xoxo

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©️ 2023 Less Guilty Coffee Map
made with ♡ by ingot

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